Your last heating bill seems too high to you? They want to be independent of expensive oil and gas suppliers? Are you looking for low-cost, environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives for heating? Then find out nevertheless simply times on the use of natural fuels such as heating products from wood.
Wood pellets and wood briquettes from JM Holzhandel - the clever alternative for cost-conscious and environmentally friendly heating.
Wood is a renewable resource and thus ecologically sustainable. But seen also economically is the ideal wood Heinz energizer. Largely independent of gas and oil prices, the price is, for example, for wood briquettes and pellets compared to the calorific value significantly lower than the gas and oil.
Wood pellets and wood briquettes from JM Holzhandel - the clever alternative for cost-conscious and environmentally friendly heating.
Wood is a renewable resource and thus ecologically sustainable. But seen also economically is the ideal wood Heinz energizer. Largely independent of gas and oil prices, the price is, for example, for wood briquettes and pellets compared to the calorific value significantly lower than the gas and oil.
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