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About SupportCompass

Have you experienced right-wing, racist or antisemitic violence?
Did you witness right-wing, racist or antisemitic violence?
Do you have friends or family affected by right-wing, racist or antisemitic violence? Do you need support?
Use SupportCompass to find professional, anonymous, and free advice centres in your area and to contact them online.
SupportCompass offers:
- Support in finding an advice centre in your area
- Anonymous and secure communication with trained advisors in independent advice
- Advice given by people, not bots!
- Simple means to contact advisors to arrange for telephone, e-mail, or face to face
- Secure communication: protecting your data and communication is of the highest
priority. The app and your messages to and from the advisors are encrypted.
- The app’s server is based in Germany and therefore falls under EU Data Protection Law
- You can securely send voice and text-messages, pictures, and PDFs
We are independent of governmental institutions and security authorities
SupportCompass is NOT an emergency app. If there is an immediate threat, please call the police on 110 or the fire brigade on 112!
We will try to respond to you within 48 hours and to arrange an appointment if suitable. We cannot offer an immediate response or advice sessions.
What type of support do we offer?
The independent advice centres offer a broad spectrum of support:
- Psycho-social advice and crisis intervention
- Information on criminal and civil court proceedings (pro and cons of reporting to the
police, information on criminal court procedures, or enforcement of civil law claims)
- We can accompany you to police interviews, to court, or government agencies, to
doctors’ visits or to psychological counselling appointments.
- We can help you making compensation claims
- We can liaise with specialized psychiatric, psychological or psychotherapeutic services
- We can help you find legal support and support you in cooperating with authorized
lawyers as part of criminal or civil law proceedings as well as compensation claim
- We can advise you on how to deal with continuing threats
- If you want it, we can help you with publicity work, for example support you in how to
deal with media
- Referral to other expert advice centres, local network structures or local activists.
SupportCompass is financed by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the ‘Demokratie Leben!’ programme, and the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Integration and refugees (BAMF)

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