NOTICE: Currently the thoughts are available in BULGARIAN language only. Other languages may be easily supported as long as translations of the thoughts can be acquired.
By displaying the THOUGHT of the day, this Application is also a calendar, where each DATE falls on a DAY of the week and a COLOUR of background.
The seven days of the week correspond to seven colours, following each other rhythmically through the year.
In this way the Application is a display of the connection between THOUGHT - DATE - DAY - COLOUR.
The thoughts are organized in books by year. Once downloaded, the device doesn't need Internet connection for displaying them.
* DISPLAY thought for particular date by choice
* Keyword SEARCH
* TAG thoughts as "Favourite"
* Preferences for colour, font size etc.
NOTICE: Currently the thoughts are available in BULGARIAN language only. Other languages may be easily supported as long as translations of the thoughts can be acquired.
By displaying the THOUGHT of the day, this Application is also a calendar, where each DATE falls on a DAY of the week and a COLOUR of background.
The seven days of the week correspond to seven colours, following each other rhythmically through the year.
In this way the Application is a display of the connection between THOUGHT - DATE - DAY - COLOUR.
The thoughts are organized in books by year. Once downloaded, the device doesn't need Internet connection for displaying them.
* DISPLAY thought for particular date by choice
* Keyword SEARCH
* TAG thoughts as "Favourite"
* Preferences for colour, font size etc.
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