SpeedOdo is perfect for your car, boat, motorcycle, bicycle and e-bike, when you want to see your GPS based speed, distance, course or location, without reading glasses.
Can't read your speedometer or odometer without reading glasses? SpeedOdo features LARGE, easy to read digits on your Android or iOS phone or tablet. On the dashboard screen it has a speedometer, odometer (total or trip), course heading, a trip timer and a clock: everything you need for navigation all on one screen. You can see each item on a separate screen in LARGE digits (trip odo, total odo, speed, course, longitude/latitude, trip timer and clock) For safety while in (or on) a moving a vehicle, DOUBLE TAP all buttons or SWIPE LEFT or RIGHT with ONE FINGER anywhere on the screen. SWIPE LEFT to go to the next screen, SWIPE RIGHT to go to the previous screen. If you keep swiping in one direction you eventually get back to the screen where you started. A TRIPLE TAP with one finger on any screen brings you back to the Menu Screen. A TRIPLE TAP on the Menu Screen takes you to the previous screen.
NOTE: Continued use of GPS can dramatically decrease battery life. If you need to use SpeedOdo for a long time you should consider plugging the power cord into your DC adapter or a battery booster.
Can't read your speedometer or odometer without reading glasses? SpeedOdo features LARGE, easy to read digits on your Android or iOS phone or tablet. On the dashboard screen it has a speedometer, odometer (total or trip), course heading, a trip timer and a clock: everything you need for navigation all on one screen. You can see each item on a separate screen in LARGE digits (trip odo, total odo, speed, course, longitude/latitude, trip timer and clock) For safety while in (or on) a moving a vehicle, DOUBLE TAP all buttons or SWIPE LEFT or RIGHT with ONE FINGER anywhere on the screen. SWIPE LEFT to go to the next screen, SWIPE RIGHT to go to the previous screen. If you keep swiping in one direction you eventually get back to the screen where you started. A TRIPLE TAP with one finger on any screen brings you back to the Menu Screen. A TRIPLE TAP on the Menu Screen takes you to the previous screen.
NOTE: Continued use of GPS can dramatically decrease battery life. If you need to use SpeedOdo for a long time you should consider plugging the power cord into your DC adapter or a battery booster.
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