Having all your insurance information, personal documents and emergency contacts in one place, helps you to be prepared for any eventuality. With this APP you can:
· Organize your information confidentially.
· Create your wallet segmented by type of documents such as Local Health, International Health, Vehicle and Personal Documents.
· Follow up on the renewal of your documents alerting their next expiration.
· Create your family nucleus to categorize the information for each profile.
· Make direct calls to emergency numbers and your insurers.
· Update your data.
· Organize your information confidentially.
· Create your wallet segmented by type of documents such as Local Health, International Health, Vehicle and Personal Documents.
· Follow up on the renewal of your documents alerting their next expiration.
· Create your family nucleus to categorize the information for each profile.
· Make direct calls to emergency numbers and your insurers.
· Update your data.
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