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Health Tracker

Vikram Ruppa-Kasani
4.6 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Health Tracker

Health Tracker is a comprehensive health application that can record and track medical test results, medications, appointments, health goals. It can then create graphical representations of the data as well as email health data to the user in a PDF.

The app supports both English and Spanish.

Features of Health Tracker:

Medical test results management (Weight, BP, Lipid, Glucose, Kidney, Thyroid)
- Save, edit, delete test results
- View historic data
- Plot graphs
- Save latest test results to PDF file
- Email results as desired

Medication management
- Save, edit, delete medications

Medical appointment management
- Save, edit, delete appointments

Health goals management
- Save, edit, delete appointments

Profile management
- Name, Gender, Date of Birth support
- Profile picture (take a picture and set as profile image)

Graphs and Reporting
- View Latest health data
- Graphs on medical test results
- Email latest health results

Languages to support
- English and Spanish

Health Tracker Screenshots

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