Get started
1. Install the app.
2. Click “Create account” to generate an account number.
3. Click to connect using for free.
Why use FalcoVPN?
Maintain your anonymity:
• Creating an account requires no personal info — not even an email address.
• We keep no activity logs.
Mitigate ISP blocking and throttling.
Bypass geographical restrictions with our global network of VPN servers.
Our Android app uses WireGuard, a superior VPN protocol that connects fast and doesn’t drain your
How does FalcoVPN work?
FalcoVPN allows you to browse the web securely and privately.
With FalcoVPN, your traffic travels through an encrypted tunnel to one of our VPN servers and then
onward to the website you are visiting. In this way, websites will only see our server’s identity
instead of yours. In addition, any information that your internet service provider (ISP) saves
cannot be tied specifically to you.
Using a VPN is a great first step toward protecting your privacy. We believe that privacy is a
universal right.
Telemetry and crash reports
The app collects a very minimal amount of telemetry, and it does not in any way tie it to an account number, IP or other identifiable information. Account numbers are used for authentication. App logs are never sent automatically but are rather explicitly sent by the user. App version checks are performed every 24 hours to tell the app if there are any upgrades available and if the currently running version is still supported.
If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device.
1. Install the app.
2. Click “Create account” to generate an account number.
3. Click to connect using for free.
Why use FalcoVPN?
Maintain your anonymity:
• Creating an account requires no personal info — not even an email address.
• We keep no activity logs.
Mitigate ISP blocking and throttling.
Bypass geographical restrictions with our global network of VPN servers.
Our Android app uses WireGuard, a superior VPN protocol that connects fast and doesn’t drain your
How does FalcoVPN work?
FalcoVPN allows you to browse the web securely and privately.
With FalcoVPN, your traffic travels through an encrypted tunnel to one of our VPN servers and then
onward to the website you are visiting. In this way, websites will only see our server’s identity
instead of yours. In addition, any information that your internet service provider (ISP) saves
cannot be tied specifically to you.
Using a VPN is a great first step toward protecting your privacy. We believe that privacy is a
universal right.
Telemetry and crash reports
The app collects a very minimal amount of telemetry, and it does not in any way tie it to an account number, IP or other identifiable information. Account numbers are used for authentication. App logs are never sent automatically but are rather explicitly sent by the user. App version checks are performed every 24 hours to tell the app if there are any upgrades available and if the currently running version is still supported.
If the split tunneling feature is used, then the app queries your system for a list of all installed applications. This list is only retrieved in the split tunneling view. The list of installed applications is never sent from the device.
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