Introducing Grace Reformed Church.
"Let only Jesus Christ be king!"
The core of the church reform, which fell during the Reformation in the 16th century, was to make the reign of Jesus Christ come true in the church. Based on the teachings of the Bible, the church is governed by the Lord, who is the head of the church, not by people. To build a church that realizes the reign of Christ, Grace Reformed Church focuses on the following work.
| spirit of faith
We follow the right church and right theology that the Reformers proclaimed based on the biblical teachings. And we respect the 16th and 17th century Reformed confessions of faith, such as the Heidelberg Catechism, Dort Creed, and Westminster Confession, which are confessed as fruits, and we worship God, establish the church, and testify to the truth according to the spirit of faith.
| church service
Share the fellowship of believers abundantly in the love of Jesus Christ, strive to properly nurture children with the content of orthodox faith, and faithfully follow the church order for the integrity and dignity of the church.
| church office
We understand the office of the Church as a means to the full realization of the reign of Jesus Christ. Pastors, elders, and deacons are elected according to the tradition of the Reformed Church, and all members work together to ensure that each office is properly implemented according to the biblical principle.
| public activity
We believe in the Holy Universal Church and seek the interests of the whole Church. And in order to fulfill the public responsibility of the church in our society, we value the universal values that God has inscribed on the human conscience, and we devote ourselves to providing religious answers to the various problems of today's times.
"Let only Jesus Christ be king!"
The core of the church reform, which fell during the Reformation in the 16th century, was to make the reign of Jesus Christ come true in the church. Based on the teachings of the Bible, the church is governed by the Lord, who is the head of the church, not by people. To build a church that realizes the reign of Christ, Grace Reformed Church focuses on the following work.
| spirit of faith
We follow the right church and right theology that the Reformers proclaimed based on the biblical teachings. And we respect the 16th and 17th century Reformed confessions of faith, such as the Heidelberg Catechism, Dort Creed, and Westminster Confession, which are confessed as fruits, and we worship God, establish the church, and testify to the truth according to the spirit of faith.
| church service
Share the fellowship of believers abundantly in the love of Jesus Christ, strive to properly nurture children with the content of orthodox faith, and faithfully follow the church order for the integrity and dignity of the church.
| church office
We understand the office of the Church as a means to the full realization of the reign of Jesus Christ. Pastors, elders, and deacons are elected according to the tradition of the Reformed Church, and all members work together to ensure that each office is properly implemented according to the biblical principle.
| public activity
We believe in the Holy Universal Church and seek the interests of the whole Church. And in order to fulfill the public responsibility of the church in our society, we value the universal values that God has inscribed on the human conscience, and we devote ourselves to providing religious answers to the various problems of today's times.
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