Apk Inspector icon

Apk Inspector

Jevin Studios
4.4 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Apk Inspector

This app allows you to look at all the apps installed on your device and look at their information. These include:

- App Icon
- Version (Version Code, Version Name, Target SDK & Min SDK)
- Storage (App Size, User Data, Cache, Total Storage Used, Source Dir & Data Dir)
- Timings (First Install & Last Update Times)
- Permissions (Permission Name, Description & Granted Status)
- Signature (Status, Sign Algorithm, Valid From Date & Valid Until Dates)
- Activities (Activity Name & Intent-Filters)
- App Usage (Time spent on app every day)
- App Opens (Number of times app is opened every day)
- Network Usage (Wifi + Cellular usage)

Share the .APK file as well as the app icon with your friends from here. Apk Inspector also provides shortcuts to open, uninstall and view your apps in Google Play.

You can also search all permissions that have been requested by apps on your device and find apps based on a certain permission

Customise your experience by enabling dark mode in the settings tab and choose whether to include the hidden system apps on your phone.

Every review is greatly appreciated and feel free to send us feedback on what we could improve on (info@jevinstudios.net).