This is a really living wallpaper! You run a small flat virtual world in which AI-driven colored "xels" live and die. They feed on energy (shown in white), they move around, they fight, they exchange information with each other they create offspring and they die or get killed. Each xel has it's own "genetic code" that tells it what to do. The ones with "better" code survive, spawn offspring and mutate, so over time they adapt better and better and the weaker ones die out. It is never the same and always evolving! Sure beats watching fish in aquarium. Initially all xels are random and stupid, so they don't move or procreate and die, but give them a little bit of time and something interesting will evolve and spread like wildfire.
Not only is it fun to watch, but you also take part in AI research!
Right now it includes an app that you can run and a live wallpaper that you can set to run whenever the screen is on.
It is somewhat energy-hungry, so better have big battery or charger nearby.
Features not yet implemented, but planned soon:
- run in background (when fully charged)
- daydream screensaver
- exchange latest genetic material - periodically upload and download genes evolved in different worlds.
- more advanced graphics
Feedback is very highly appreciated!
Not only is it fun to watch, but you also take part in AI research!
Right now it includes an app that you can run and a live wallpaper that you can set to run whenever the screen is on.
It is somewhat energy-hungry, so better have big battery or charger nearby.
Features not yet implemented, but planned soon:
- run in background (when fully charged)
- daydream screensaver
- exchange latest genetic material - periodically upload and download genes evolved in different worlds.
- more advanced graphics
Feedback is very highly appreciated!
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