Scary movies to have a great time
Now you can watch free movies, wherever you are from Ytube. We offer you the best free horror movies in English in streaming for evenings with your partner or friends, with the family or alone in a dark room. You will enjoy classic and quality horror movies in streaming. We have several horror cinema subgenres, such as: paranormal, houses, apocalypse, gore, epidemics, virus, zombie, nuclear, slasher, demons, vampires, monsters... an so on. and very frequent updates of contents to scare you.
We don't hide our purpose with this app: we want to scare you. The more scared you are with the movies in this collection, the better we will feel. Free horror movies.
So that you can enjoy, and fear, the crazy and delirious plots, without losing any detail of incredible horror stories or watch disturbing movies while traveling in public places, hear them in the background while studying or working at home, or simply listen to them to relax with the screams while you go to sleep... because that's who you are.
Almost all the movies are in English. Some are in the original version with English subtitles.
User-friendly interface
You can share your favorite movies with your family and friends, through email or with any social network you have installed on your devices.
Find videos in the app with the built-in search engine.
Also, add movies that have become your favorites, if any was not already.
⚡ With Free Horror Movies you have:
📽A compiled catalogue of movies
📽Private request for content
📽Extensible tab of each video
📽Frequent content updates
📽Integrated video player
📽My Favorites List
📽Search engine in the application
📽Full screen horizontal or vertical display.
⚡ In each extensible tab:
📽A backdrop
📽Bookmark or unbookmark
📽Share video link with friends
There is nowhere left for you to hide; the past haunts you, the future distresses you, and your present seems like a curse. If you've never felt this way before, no problem: you will, if you get caught up in this horror movie app. And if you don't... See yout later!
May you have very exciting nightmares!
This is not a game. If you're not fit for the horror genre, this app is not for thou. If, on the contrary, you want to install it, you will be left alone with your responsibility, in the moonlight, under the gaze of no one... Shall you decide to continue?
Horror Movies Flix is an app of videos published on the Internet. All videos that can be viewed with this app, without exception, are public content broadcast by and hosted on third party servers. If any Creator is having issues, feel free to email us directly to
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