Manage your puppy's information and share the checkup you received from your veterinarian with prospective adopters. Meetpet pursues the formation of a trustworthy adoption culture.
-Check checkup confirmation: You can check the checkup details issued by the veterinarian by authentication through biometric information or registration number registered in the app and manage the details in an integrated way.
- Entity management: You can efficiently manage the details of the dogs that have been screened.
* App access permission guide
- Permission to make and manage calls (required): Required for user identification.
- Use of device photos, media, and files (required): Required for uploading images and videos when creating an object card.
-Check checkup confirmation: You can check the checkup details issued by the veterinarian by authentication through biometric information or registration number registered in the app and manage the details in an integrated way.
- Entity management: You can efficiently manage the details of the dogs that have been screened.
* App access permission guide
- Permission to make and manage calls (required): Required for user identification.
- Use of device photos, media, and files (required): Required for uploading images and videos when creating an object card.
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