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About Ritesa

Ri.te.sa di Mauro, an acronym for Heating-Termo-Sanitary, was founded in 1982 as a point of sale for private individuals in the setting of a small village in the province of Crotone.
Over time driven by a strong motivational impulse dictated by the needs of the market, Ri.te.sa acquired various skills so that in a short time it managed to transform itself into a company specialized in the marketing and wholesale distribution of products in the sector Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning becoming points of reference in the area.
In addition to destruction, one of the peculiarities that distinguishes it is that of being the Representative Agency for Calabria of various national and international brands.

Our mission is to satisfy the requests of our customers by offering optimal solutions in terms of flexibility, punctuality and price, always putting their needs first.
Thanks to over thirty years of experience, Ri.te.sa di Mauro Srl has always set itself the goal of focusing on its customers, satisfying their needs in the best possible way, offering rapid delivery services, refined products and reliability.

Our company policy is based on the following principles:

TO KEEP the commitments undertaken with our customers by understanding their expressed needs, satisfying them;
RESPECT in any activity carried out the regulatory and legislative requirements in the reference sector;
ENSURE compliance with qualitative, quantitative and temporal requirements, as well as compliance with the quality/price of products and services.

The vision of the future is to become more and more specialists in the sector, creating value and remaining a point of reference for our customers in distribution.
The long-term objectives that we set ourselves are to make Ri.te.sa di Mauro Srl grow more and more by offering high quality products and services and investing in innovation that will allow us not only to consolidate ourselves on the territories already acquired but also to expand into others, improving the internal operational efficiency of business processes and optimizing collaborative relationships with suppliers and Partners.

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