The Tibetan Dictionary combines several dictionaries into a single app. Words and definitions can be searched for in both english and tibetan.
Note: a tibetan keyboard is required to be installed in order to search in tibetan. One is included in Android 7 and above; otherwise a third-party app will be required, such as Tibetan Keyboard by Iron Rabbit:
The following dictionaries are included:
* ཚིག་མཛོད་ཆེན་མོ། (tshig mdzod chen mo)
* དག་ཡིག་གསར་བསྒྲིགས། (dag yig gsar bsgrigs)
* རྒྱ་བོད་དབྱིན་གསུམ་གསར་བྱུང་རྒྱུན་བཀོལ་མིང་མཛོད New Tibetan-English-Chinese Vocabulary
* New English-Tibetan Dictionary
* Rangjung Yeshe Dictionary
* Mahāvyutpatti
Note: a tibetan keyboard is required to be installed in order to search in tibetan. One is included in Android 7 and above; otherwise a third-party app will be required, such as Tibetan Keyboard by Iron Rabbit:
The following dictionaries are included:
* ཚིག་མཛོད་ཆེན་མོ། (tshig mdzod chen mo)
* དག་ཡིག་གསར་བསྒྲིགས། (dag yig gsar bsgrigs)
* རྒྱ་བོད་དབྱིན་གསུམ་གསར་བྱུང་རྒྱུན་བཀོལ་མིང་མཛོད New Tibetan-English-Chinese Vocabulary
* New English-Tibetan Dictionary
* Rangjung Yeshe Dictionary
* Mahāvyutpatti
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