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Grupo Proggetec

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About Grupo Proggetec

With the know-how necessary for the perfect development of activities, the Proggetec Group offers the most modern technology in the area of ​​remote concierge, bringing a great increase in security and access control. With the possibility of complete auditing in audio / video, as well as the proven reduction in the costs of 24-hour concierge of the condos served.

The company in 2020 is occupying the position of reference in the remote concierge service of Passo Fundo, Caxias do Sul and Santa Maria, with more than 25 condos served and 200 thousand controlled accesses per month.

With our application you have agility in the palm of your hand! With the Proggetec APP installed on the user's mobile phone, the resident has more freedom and security. The application offers a QR Code, which allows access to the condominium for residents and visitors.

Access is much faster and easier in your condo, in addition to the application offering more advantages for access management, such as: sending invitations to parties and meetings with QR code for accessing visitors, timeline with registration of access and push notifications in and out of selected users.

The Proggetec application is an integrated platform for managing access to your condominium, where the resident will have everything at hand, in accordance with what is configured and installed.

- Receive general alerts via push regarding security events: invasion, break-in, panic, door / gate left open, etc.
- Receive general janitor alerts: door to the engine room opened by "João"; low level reservoir; low water box level; engine 01 on, engine 02 off; expired supply time, leakage in the water box; flooding in the engine room; drop in electricity; irrigation system activated; pool filter turned on at incorrect time; area x temperature or humidity limit exceeded; air conditioning on, etc.
- Make reservations for common areas such as party room, game room, gourmet room, cinema, among others.
- Invite people by sending access keys such as QR Code (access ticket system).
- Receive push notification of accesses (related to your unit): entry and exit of users in general or specifically, blocking entries by anti-passback, scheduling, lack of confirmation key, attempted access, among others.
- View cameras together with control devices.
- Open garage doors and gates.
- Consult access reports.
- Check the status of doors, devices and systems (on / off, open / closed, armed / disarmed, etc.).
- Access via Bluetooth Reader.
- Visualization and control of existing automations.

All this easily and without complications, you access from your smartphone. Learn more at:

Grupo Proggetec Screenshots