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Prayers on the Move
1,000+ downloads

About Prayers on the Move

SPCK’s Prayers on the Move app is designed to enable you to get into the habit of praying. Habits are formed by repetition, and it has been said that it takes 30 days to build a new one. Each of the app’s features is aimed at helping you to do just that. The Reminder feature will keep you on track and there is never a reason to miss a prayer when you can choose between the audio or the text version, depending on your preference or surroundings.
The app includes:
31 prayers – one for each day of the month;
audio recordings of each prayer – three speakers read the prayers to you, so you can pray on the move;
daily reminders – pick a time each day to receive a prompt so that you never forget to pray; information – handy guides on how to find out more about prayer and the Christian religion;
interactive features – ‘love’ and comment on your favourite prayers to share your thoughts;
share button – the prayers are displayed as beautiful images that are perfect for social media; you don’t even have to worry about character limits!
Try praying for a minute a day and see what happens.

Prayers on the Move Screenshots