This radio station intends to fulfill the mandate given by our King and Lord of "Go" and preach his gospel of the kingdom of God to every tribe, people and nation. There is no other clear, simple and powerful goal that announced to the world that Jesus is alive and reigns, and has already come to reign with him. With the help of God's promise to speak of God and to minister his word through Bible study, teaching, preaching, praise and prayers led by the Holy Spirit of God.
Every day, every hour will be hearing a word of hope, motivation, restoration and salvation. Will not stop praise and worship will be continuous to Jesus who deserves it. Jesus is the center and the reason for this radio station and its name is sealed in each sentence, word and worship is heard.
Every day, every hour will be hearing a word of hope, motivation, restoration and salvation. Will not stop praise and worship will be continuous to Jesus who deserves it. Jesus is the center and the reason for this radio station and its name is sealed in each sentence, word and worship is heard.
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