Learn the common 2000 Chinese words! Pinyin dictionary, Pronounce, Definition, Trainer.
A collection of most common Chinese words in descending order. 20 words a day? Give it a try and see how well you can keep it up!
✔ Click the Chinese words to hear pronunciation.
✔ Loop speaking of the word for brainwashing you the pronunciation!
✔ Long Click the Chinese words to lookup the word meaning.
✔ Simple pinyin quiz to reinforce your learning.
✔ Add words to Favorite list to focus on difficult words.
✔ Search function; can be used as a pinyin dictionary.
A collection of most common Chinese words in descending order. 20 words a day? Give it a try and see how well you can keep it up!
✔ Click the Chinese words to hear pronunciation.
✔ Loop speaking of the word for brainwashing you the pronunciation!
✔ Long Click the Chinese words to lookup the word meaning.
✔ Simple pinyin quiz to reinforce your learning.
✔ Add words to Favorite list to focus on difficult words.
✔ Search function; can be used as a pinyin dictionary.
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