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Neymar Video Call & Chat

Jayesh Dhanesha
500+ downloads

About Neymar Video Call & Chat

Neymar Video Call app is a Simulate a fake video call to make your friends feeling surprised that Best player in the world Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior, known as Neymar Júnior Calling you. Neymar is one of the best football player in the world. Currently, he plays for the Paris Saint-Germain(PSG), FC Barcelona, Al Hilal and for the Brazilian National team.

How to use:
1. Open Neymar Call real app
2. Choose your beloved idol photo of Neymar Jr
3. Choose voice, video call or live chat
4. Choose WhatsApp, Facebook, or telegram video call display
5. Choose the time to run
6. Wait for a second, a call is being made
7. Then press the “answer” button to start the app
8. Enjoy the magic and feel happy when you see real Neymar is calling and chatting on your smartphone

Download this Neymar Fake Chat & Video Call Game app and prank your friends by making Neymar live video call like a real. Even you can screenshot during video call, Audio Call and Live Chatting, then share them on your social media.

If you want to get closer with your favorite celebrity, Neymar brazil then, this Neymar fake Video Call real application is suitable for you. Through this original application, you can receive a fake call and prank video call with Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior in his real voice.

Our features:
1. It runs smoothly and is not prone to crashes.
2. We offer Video Call to Many Footballer like cristiano ronaldo(cr7), lionel messi, kylian mbappe and many more, there is always one that suits you.
3. The UI design is rigorous. Simple and easy to use.
4. Support offline use.
5. The application is small in size and does not take up memory.
6. Completely free

A mobile app to perform fake chat and video call with Neymar

Neymar Video Call & Chat Screenshots