Hero Turtles: Mutant Ninja is  icon

Hero Turtles: Mutant Ninja is

Tanazi Studio
4.7 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Hero Turtles: Mutant Ninja is

The gameplay in Hero Turtles begins with an overhead view used for navigating around the mission map, switching to a side view whenever the Mutant Turtle being controlled enters a manhole or a building. Enemies can attack the player while exploring in the overhead view. However, the Turtle can strike back with his weapon. Once inside a sewer or a building, the player encounters enemy characters such as Fire Freaks (beings of living fire). The player can also acquire weapons and special items, and collect pizza to restore health. A screen accessed with the Start button shows a summary of each Turtle's health and whatever special weapon he has picked up, a map grid of the current area.

🔥 Play the retro games completely for FREE.
🔥 Ninja Turtles Classic and many video games available.
🔥 New retro games are updated regularly.
🔥 Support saving and loading game state.
🔥 Highly customizable virtual controller! Players can adjust the size and position of each button to suit your needs.


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Hero Turtles: Mutant Ninja is Screenshots