Simple analog watchface, it's a depart with some deep art. Watchface features everything you need, time, heart rate, steps goal, power, days, moon type, custom shortcut and even notifications. This edition features animation.
- Time
- Steps goal 0-100%
- Heart rate monitor from 20 to 220 bpm
- Battery status 1-100%
- Heart rate measure when you tap on heart rate meter
- Custom shortcut on logo
- Minimalize [cover it all up besides time and have a K.I.S.S.]
- Day of the week [count the stars, Wednesday is 3 and Saturday is 6]
- AOD [watchface ninja Trade Mark and you can cover it so it's minimalist K.I.S.S.]
- Moon Phase Type under deep cover [Ox and Emon mascots included]
- Dynamic Ambiance [Animation | Flinting]
watchface ninja
ウォッチフェイス ニンジャ
Created with ♥ by watchface ninja
© watchface ninja
- Time
- Steps goal 0-100%
- Heart rate monitor from 20 to 220 bpm
- Battery status 1-100%
- Heart rate measure when you tap on heart rate meter
- Custom shortcut on logo
- Minimalize [cover it all up besides time and have a K.I.S.S.]
- Day of the week [count the stars, Wednesday is 3 and Saturday is 6]
- AOD [watchface ninja Trade Mark and you can cover it so it's minimalist K.I.S.S.]
- Moon Phase Type under deep cover [Ox and Emon mascots included]
- Dynamic Ambiance [Animation | Flinting]
watchface ninja
ウォッチフェイス ニンジャ
Created with ♥ by watchface ninja
© watchface ninja
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