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About EZI-PrEP App

This app has been developed for the EZI-PrEP study. The EZI-PrEP study is an initiative of GGD Amsterdam, GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond, GGD Haaglanden, GGD Groningen, GGD Gelderland-Zuid and Soa Aids Nederland. The EZI-PrEP study examines whether PrEP care can be properly arranged online. The EZI-PrEP study is also investigating whether the number of PrEP check-ups can be reduced from every 3 to every 6 months.

Via the app, the participants of the EZI-PrEP study have access to all study-related activities such as the questionnaires and the electronic diary. All participants are requested to keep a daily electronic diary of their PrEP medication intake. The information that the participants provide in the app enables the researchers to study adherence to PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis). The study may yield important information for the GGD to lower barriers to PrEP-care and prevent new HIV infections.

The app can send the study participants a reminder so that they do not forget to fill-out the diary. The participant can turn off the reminder. Participants can view their entered data. The GGD can send the participants messages, which end up in the inbox of the app.

Via the app, the online participants of the study have access to online PrEP-care at the GGD. Via the app, participants can organize their STI, HIV and kidney function tests at Testlab, have a video call with a nurse from the GGD and order PrEP.

EZI-PrEP App Screenshots

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