With the renewed app of Leeuwarder Courant you always and everywhere have free access to the latest news from Friesland and the rest of the world. We constantly keep our finger on the pulse, whether it concerns 'big' or 'small' news and we empathize with everything that moves Friesland. Stay tuned and don't miss a thing!
Reading ease at a glance
• News, current affairs, sports, culture, politics and economy from your region at your fingertips.
• Turn on your hometown in 'My News' and follow the news from your neighbourhood.
• Quickly check the latest news in a separate timeline.
• Receive notifications in case of important and breaking news.
• Easily share articles via WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and mail.
• Read related articles and our suggestions.
• Always up to date with the most read articles.
• Watch full screen videos.
The latest news from Friesland for free
The app is available for free. Here you will also find background information, reports and interviews, which explain the news.
Follow news from your neighborhood
You can easily set your own news preferences with 'My News'. The button for 'My News' can be found next to the home button in the menu bar. By logging in here once with a free LC account and turning on your place of residence, you can now also read the news from your neighborhood.
These articles provide an in-depth look at the news. The extras of the Leeuwarder Courant also fall under PREMIUM, such as special columns and comments. Proudly made for the readers who want to know what it really is. In text, photo and video we explain what the news means for you and your environment.
Subscribers with a PREMIUM, Complete, Digital and Weekend + Digital subscription have unlimited access to all PREMIUM articles. If you don't have a subscription yet, you can easily take out a PREMIUM subscription in the app. As a subscriber you read more and therefore know more!
We hope you enjoy reading and viewing the app. For questions and feedback you can email mobiledevelopment@mediahuisnoord.nl.
Reading ease at a glance
• News, current affairs, sports, culture, politics and economy from your region at your fingertips.
• Turn on your hometown in 'My News' and follow the news from your neighbourhood.
• Quickly check the latest news in a separate timeline.
• Receive notifications in case of important and breaking news.
• Easily share articles via WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and mail.
• Read related articles and our suggestions.
• Always up to date with the most read articles.
• Watch full screen videos.
The latest news from Friesland for free
The app is available for free. Here you will also find background information, reports and interviews, which explain the news.
Follow news from your neighborhood
You can easily set your own news preferences with 'My News'. The button for 'My News' can be found next to the home button in the menu bar. By logging in here once with a free LC account and turning on your place of residence, you can now also read the news from your neighborhood.
These articles provide an in-depth look at the news. The extras of the Leeuwarder Courant also fall under PREMIUM, such as special columns and comments. Proudly made for the readers who want to know what it really is. In text, photo and video we explain what the news means for you and your environment.
Subscribers with a PREMIUM, Complete, Digital and Weekend + Digital subscription have unlimited access to all PREMIUM articles. If you don't have a subscription yet, you can easily take out a PREMIUM subscription in the app. As a subscriber you read more and therefore know more!
We hope you enjoy reading and viewing the app. For questions and feedback you can email mobiledevelopment@mediahuisnoord.nl.
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