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AllUnited B.V.
50,000+ downloads

About ClubApp

The ClubApp that brings three worlds together
In the AllUnited ClubApp is thought from three levels (personal level, club level and general level). There is current information on all these levels
available and interaction with the members is possible.

So you never miss anything and you get answers to all your questions, such as: When can I play? What do my favorite teams do? What are the results of last weekend? When do I have to drive? What is there to do at the club? But also news from outside via an RRS Feed, for example, can be loaded into the ClubApp.

In short, members always have up-to-date information at their fingertips. Handy! The ClubApp is largely filled from the AllUnited
association administration and offers space for extra content. And if you really have something important to report, you send a push notification.

Online application management:
Every club that uses the ClubApp gets its own app management. With this you determine yourself which modules you activate and for whom, completely in the house style of your club. Always and everywhere.

Purchase ClubApp:
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