For more than 25 years, ZOLL professional defibrillators and AEDs are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest. Everything ZOLL does is guided by one singular focus: to push the boundaries of resuscitation technology to save more lives.
The ZOLL AED Plus® VR Mobile app allows you to be “The unexpected hero in ZOLL's VR World”. You can experience the power of ZOLL’s Real CPR Help® which guides rescuers to achieve high-quality CPR.
With the support of the ZOLL AED Plus you will perform CPR and help saving a life in virtual reality. This experience is for VR mobile virtual reality headsets, like Google Cardboard. For the best experience you should also use headphones for audio and music. You will have to kneel down and perform CPR on a dummy. You may want to use a manikin (“Rescue Annie”) or firm pillow for this.
Start the app, put your phone in your VR headset and follow the instructions. Make sure to scan the QR-code of your VR headset when you first install the app.
The first time you start the app you can select your preferred language. The app saves your language selection. The language selection menu can always be accessed by “gazing” at the globe at the beginning of the VR experience in subsequent uses of the app. For certain languages the experience will start with a scene selection. Gaze at the scene you'd like to experience and be the hero in this virtual rescue!
This app has been optimized for Samsung S6 newer smartphones.
Disclaimer: this app is for demonstration purposes only and should not be used for training and CPR practice.
The ZOLL AED Plus® VR Mobile app allows you to be “The unexpected hero in ZOLL's VR World”. You can experience the power of ZOLL’s Real CPR Help® which guides rescuers to achieve high-quality CPR.
With the support of the ZOLL AED Plus you will perform CPR and help saving a life in virtual reality. This experience is for VR mobile virtual reality headsets, like Google Cardboard. For the best experience you should also use headphones for audio and music. You will have to kneel down and perform CPR on a dummy. You may want to use a manikin (“Rescue Annie”) or firm pillow for this.
Start the app, put your phone in your VR headset and follow the instructions. Make sure to scan the QR-code of your VR headset when you first install the app.
The first time you start the app you can select your preferred language. The app saves your language selection. The language selection menu can always be accessed by “gazing” at the globe at the beginning of the VR experience in subsequent uses of the app. For certain languages the experience will start with a scene selection. Gaze at the scene you'd like to experience and be the hero in this virtual rescue!
This app has been optimized for Samsung S6 newer smartphones.
Disclaimer: this app is for demonstration purposes only and should not be used for training and CPR practice.
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