Aftenposten icon


Schibsted Norge
3.9 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Aftenposten

Aftenposten for Android keeps you updated where you are!

Top Features:
- The latest news from Aftenposten
- Save articles you want to read later
- Filter your news alerts about important events
- Widget that can be placed on your home screen

- Read up to six articles a week for free
- Log in or try our digital subscription, giving you full access to all our 1 and 1 apps and web pages.

The Aftenposten app needs some permissions to give you the best browsing experience. Here you can read about these permissions:
- Identity & Device ID: A unique identifier is assigned and used to register the device for news alert. In addition, the app reads whether the screen is closed or open when a news alert is received.
- Position: The app uses location information (GPS data, beacons and ip addresses) to deliver custom content.
- Images / Media / Storage: To reduce load time and data usage, the app will temporarily store small images and content on the phone. This permission also allows you to add photos or movies via the tip service.
- WiFi Information: Allows the app to use wireless networks (WiFi) instead of the cellular network. The app needs internet connection to load content, and the loading speed varies with internet speed.

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Aftenposten Screenshots