What is the Norwegian Price Book?
The Norwegian Prize Book is a reference book for the Norwegian construction industry. A subscription to the Norwegian Price Book is reasonably priced and will keep you updated on important changes in the Norwegian construction industry.
Constructions, prices, life cycle costs and carbon footprint
The Norwegian Price Book is an updated price database and contains broad and diverse pricing information regarding the cost of a construction project, as well as LCC and carbon footprint values. The Norwegian Price Book follows the continuous development of the construction industry. The book is published in paper form once a year, while web, app and software databases are published twice a year. The content consists of 1,700 pre-calculated items, over 3500 price lines, times, recipe quantities, life cycle costs and carbon footprint values, as well as experience prices per. square meters of BTA for ever-increasing number of building types in accordance with NS 3457.
Large distribution in a short time
The encyclopedia has already gained more than 6,000 users in book form and digital platforms and is steadily increasing. The feedback is good and the book and apps have gained a good foothold in the market. Customers include contractors, consultants, architects and builders.
Many uses
The product is designed to be used in several project phases - from the early stage cost assessment of one or more project concepts based on overall key figures, to the assessment of the support system in a building and the comparison of costs for different performance and quality choices.
In addition, the Norwegian Price Book must have a reasonable price, and thus be a very relevant subscription for both large and small companies with needs and or interest in construction economics.
In Norwegian: Norwegian Price Book contains cost information and construction data for the Norwegian AEC market.
The Norwegian Prize Book is a reference book for the Norwegian construction industry. A subscription to the Norwegian Price Book is reasonably priced and will keep you updated on important changes in the Norwegian construction industry.
Constructions, prices, life cycle costs and carbon footprint
The Norwegian Price Book is an updated price database and contains broad and diverse pricing information regarding the cost of a construction project, as well as LCC and carbon footprint values. The Norwegian Price Book follows the continuous development of the construction industry. The book is published in paper form once a year, while web, app and software databases are published twice a year. The content consists of 1,700 pre-calculated items, over 3500 price lines, times, recipe quantities, life cycle costs and carbon footprint values, as well as experience prices per. square meters of BTA for ever-increasing number of building types in accordance with NS 3457.
Large distribution in a short time
The encyclopedia has already gained more than 6,000 users in book form and digital platforms and is steadily increasing. The feedback is good and the book and apps have gained a good foothold in the market. Customers include contractors, consultants, architects and builders.
Many uses
The product is designed to be used in several project phases - from the early stage cost assessment of one or more project concepts based on overall key figures, to the assessment of the support system in a building and the comparison of costs for different performance and quality choices.
In addition, the Norwegian Price Book must have a reasonable price, and thus be a very relevant subscription for both large and small companies with needs and or interest in construction economics.
In Norwegian: Norwegian Price Book contains cost information and construction data for the Norwegian AEC market.
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