ObMail, secure e-mail icon

ObMail, secure e-mail

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About ObMail, secure e-mail

ObMail - Secret mobile e-mail

Secret mail made simple. Send a signed e-mail to a friend and you can receive an encrypted e-mail from him. Receive a signed e-mail from a friend and you can return an encrypted e-mail. No one else can read it! The encrypted mail is compatible with Microsoft Outlook.

Also the calendar function is compatible with Microsoft Outlook.


Compose - Write a new e-mail.
View - View mailboxes.
Inbox - View new mails arrived
Archive - We recommend to archive important mail, and use "delete all" for the rest in inbox
Outbox - Mail ready to be sent.
Sent - Sent mail.
Drafts - Mail saved, ready to be sent.
Trash - Deleted mails. Empty trash will permanently delete the mail
Sort - Sort lists.
Name - Sort on name.
Size - Sort on size.
Date - Sort on date.
Direction - Checkbox, direction of sorting.
Search - Search for a name or content
Delete all - After important mail has been archived, delete the rest
Setting - General settings.
Accounts - Set up account.
Receive options
Multi-account - Leave mail on server

Sound - Make a sound when mail arrive

Manual - Make a manual check for mail

Interval - Interval between check for mail

Send options
Add contacts - Add new e-mails to contacts

Warning for no subject - Give warning if mail does not contain a subject field

Send direct - Send email directly

Signature - Add signatures to sent mail

Warning - Pre-warning time for events.
Repeats - Number of repeats for an event.
Security - Set up security, add password to protect the application. Add a self-signed certificate to sign an email. When the respondent has received a signed e-mail from you, he may respond with an encrypted e-mail to you and vis-versa.

ObMail, secure e-mail Screenshots