숫자야구 icon


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About 숫자야구

A number baseball game that you can play alone on your mobile!
Guess the automatically generated numbers!
Break your record!

*Number baseball rules*
Randomly generate numbers from 0 to 9.
If you input 145 when the number to be matched is 123, it is 1 Strike.
And if 421 is entered, it is 1Strike, 1Ball.
Like this, if the number of digits is the same, it is Strike, and if the number of digits is the same and only the number is the same, it is Ball.
If you match all the numbers and digits, it is HomeRun (correct answer).

Challenge it with your friends!

App icon source: https://www.flaticon.com/kr/free-icon/baseball_2570421?term=%EC%95%BC%EA%B5%AC&page=1&position=2

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