This application has been developed as part of the Android Logic Analyser project, as a final year capstone project for the BEngTexh course at Ara Institute of Canterbury. It receives data over USB from custom analyser hardware, controlled by a ARM Cortex-M33 microcontroller. It is currently capable of receiving eight channels, at frequencies up to 120kHz. It can decode UART, I2C and SPI protocols. It displays eight waveforms and provides scrolling, zooming and measuring options.
This application uses a service to communicate with the ARM micro using the Android Open Accessory Protocol, developed by Dr Yao Li.
Project owner and developer: Matt Hadler
Project Supervisor: Dr Yao Li
Note: The software only works with the analyser hardware developed in this project. It will not work standalone or with other hardware.
This application uses a service to communicate with the ARM micro using the Android Open Accessory Protocol, developed by Dr Yao Li.
Project owner and developer: Matt Hadler
Project Supervisor: Dr Yao Li
Note: The software only works with the analyser hardware developed in this project. It will not work standalone or with other hardware.
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