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Погода в Смоленске

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About Погода в Смоленске

Weather in Smolensk:
Temperature is measured by high-precision temperature sensors and updated every 5 minutes. Two sensors are used: one is located on the north side of the house, the second on the south. Auto update every 15 minutes

- Temperature on the south side
- The temperature on the north side
- Feels like
- Chance of Precipitation
- humidity
- Atmosphere pressure
- Type of precipitation
- wind power
- Forecasts for the next 4 days, day and night
- Precipitation map
- Wind Map

Coming Soon
- Sunrise and sunset

* Lenovo owners and Explay:
If widgets do not work for you, install the application in the phone’s memory, and not on the memory card.

Погода в Смоленске Screenshots