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Track Phone Location By Number

Roitman Apps
1,000+ downloads

About Track Phone Location By Number

Track Phone Location By Number app replies automatically via WhatsApp and sends a summary of the tracked locations of the device including dates and times of when the device was on each location 👏🥳


Track Phone Location By Number app can be used for lots of reasons:
Family Tracker - each family member can install the app on his device, define specific locations that the app will track so it will reply automatically via WhatsApp with a summary of the locations that the family member visited.
For example you can install the app on your kids device to know how long they were at school or at home. 👏👏👏

Phone Tracker - If you lost your device or your device got stolen then you can easily track the device and get a report from the app that shows you when exactly the device was lost or stolen.

Track Phone Location By Number app returns a quick summary via WhatsApp that shows the locations that were visited with the exact time and date of when the device was on each location.

⭐ Returns summary of the tracked locations automatically on a specific WhatsApp message

⭐ Battery friendly app - does not consume any battery power

It's so simple that you will be amazed.

So why wait?
Track the device location with Track Phone Location By Number app for Whatsapp


⭐ Install the app on the device that needs to be tracked
⭐ Open the app and click on the `create` button to define which locations you want to track (e.g home, gym etc)
⭐ Click on the `settings` button and check for your WhatsApp trigger message - that message trigger will trigger the app to send a summary of the tracked device locations through WhatsApp automatically when it's received.
⭐ Done - Now you can simply open WhatsApp from any other device and send the message trigger through WhatsApp to the target device in order to get a summary of the tracked locations.


🌈 We do not store or collect your data.
🌈 We believe in transparency and honesty.
🌈 The summary of the tracked locations is transferred via WhatsApp in the secure (encrypted) channels.
🌈 We don't send your data to our servers. We don't have access to your entries. Also, any other third-party app can't read your data.

Q: I did all the steps but I don't receive any summary of the tracked device locations through WhatsApp , why?
A: We suggest you to check the following:
1. The app reads the notifications of the device when it receives a message through WhatsApp - make sure the device is actually receiving WhatsApp notifications.
2. Make sure you enabled all the relevant app permissions such as `background location`. you can verify that by going into the app permission settings from your android settings screen.

Track Phone Location By Number Screenshots