This is an app that contains all the prayers that a Catholic Prayers Book has to help you get closer to God. To pray your Daily Prayers. It is a compilation of Powerful and Miraculous Prayers of God for each moment of your life.
It is the prayer app for every day that nobody should miss and use before sleeping.
You can Read and Pray them every day without being connected to the internet.
Powerful Prayers
Miraculous Prayers
Goodbye father
To the Virgin Mary
To the Holy Spirit
Thank you
Prayers for Children
For the Family (For Husbands, Marriage Anniversary, Marriages with Problems, For Children, For Parents, for Boyfriends, for Young People, for friends, for teenagers, for Grandparents, for Grandchildren)…
Holy Rosary Complete (Rosary to the Virgin Mary)
Prayer to Saint Judas Tadeo (Prayer of Saint Judas)
For the Sick
You can also find the complete Holy Bible with all the psalms and the other books of the Catholic Holy Bible, to pray every day and renew the faith of our parents and grandparents, that faith that includes the Blessed Virgin Mary and the complete rosary. Holy rosary complete for every day, holy rosary monday, holy rosary tuesday, holy rosary wednesday, holy rosary thursday, holy rosary friday, holy rosary saturday, holy rosary sunday.
We have classified a List of the Main or Basic and Prayers that are the most commonly used in a category called main prayers that include
Our father
Ave Maria
Prayer to the holy spirit
Prayer to the lord of miracles
Prayer of the blood of Christ
Prayer to the Divine child Jesus
Prayer for peace
Prayer for the sick
Prayer for the poor
Prayer for the Virgin of Guadalupe
Very soon we will also add Catholic stations and a catechism section to the app that includes all the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ
Remember to read the following sentences
Catholic Healing Prayers
Catholic day prayers
Catholic powerful prayers
Catholic bible with all the psalms
Prayer to san judas Tadeo
God save you queen and mother
Full Creed
Rosario to Saint Michael the Archangel
Rosary of the Virgin Mary
It is the prayer app for every day that nobody should miss and use before sleeping.
You can Read and Pray them every day without being connected to the internet.
Powerful Prayers
Miraculous Prayers
Goodbye father
To the Virgin Mary
To the Holy Spirit
Thank you
Prayers for Children
For the Family (For Husbands, Marriage Anniversary, Marriages with Problems, For Children, For Parents, for Boyfriends, for Young People, for friends, for teenagers, for Grandparents, for Grandchildren)…
Holy Rosary Complete (Rosary to the Virgin Mary)
Prayer to Saint Judas Tadeo (Prayer of Saint Judas)
For the Sick
You can also find the complete Holy Bible with all the psalms and the other books of the Catholic Holy Bible, to pray every day and renew the faith of our parents and grandparents, that faith that includes the Blessed Virgin Mary and the complete rosary. Holy rosary complete for every day, holy rosary monday, holy rosary tuesday, holy rosary wednesday, holy rosary thursday, holy rosary friday, holy rosary saturday, holy rosary sunday.
We have classified a List of the Main or Basic and Prayers that are the most commonly used in a category called main prayers that include
Our father
Ave Maria
Prayer to the holy spirit
Prayer to the lord of miracles
Prayer of the blood of Christ
Prayer to the Divine child Jesus
Prayer for peace
Prayer for the sick
Prayer for the poor
Prayer for the Virgin of Guadalupe
Very soon we will also add Catholic stations and a catechism section to the app that includes all the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ
Remember to read the following sentences
Catholic Healing Prayers
Catholic day prayers
Catholic powerful prayers
Catholic bible with all the psalms
Prayer to san judas Tadeo
God save you queen and mother
Full Creed
Rosario to Saint Michael the Archangel
Rosary of the Virgin Mary
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