Each of us can witness some sensation, some problems of what people need to know. After all, together we can help. Reporter AKIpress- this opportunity to tell the public and the authorities that it is important to ordinary citizens. What you care about, and what angers solutions
You see. All that is needed is to photograph or videotape what is happening, to briefly describe and send it "reporter." The site reporter.akipress.org and through this mobile application you can
upload their own news, information, photos and video events that you witnessed steel. All interesting and important materials will be published. Together, we solve problems.
Examples of unsolved problems:
1. In April, the tape "blow up" the news of the facts of hazing at the Military Institute. The video, published, edited, unknown persons abused recruits in one of the barracks. Video before "walked" in Internetseti, but it was after the appearance of news on the "I'm a reporter," followed by the reaction: "grandfathers", sneered at by cadets, and they were officers of the Ministry of Defense and Interior
Ministry troops, were found and convicted.
2. After the publication of photos worst violators of traffic rules, they are found and fined, including the traffic police themselves, designed to monitor the traffic order of "I'm a reporter," revealed that in just a few hours the news may glorify the person or make the "anti-hero", covering a wave of public condemnation and indignation. Video chasing malicious violators to "Lexus" Nazik Chodronovoy and boorish conversation with the traffic police and could go unnoticed in the archives of video sites, if not appeared on "I'm a reporter." Video has collected a record number of views, the word "Chodron" became a household word and a symbol of permissiveness, brash and arrogant behavior. "Under the distribution 'hit DPS officer, who returned the seized number offending, he was dismissed, and she Chodronova escaped with a fine of 1 ths. Som. But from antislavy it, alas, for a long time did not get off.
3. Corruption with dipnomerami
One reader posted online photo machine with dipnomerami parked on the sidewalk, and unwittingly helped to reveal corruption scheme in state agencies. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and are interested in this case the head of the traffic police, said that Turkey dipnomera fake. These numbers were put into Kyrgyzdipservice and according to the law should have been immediately destroyed.
4. Hunt for "Cadillac"
Site declared official photoshoot for "Cadillac" of officials, used for other purposes. Readers responded briskly and sent photos Cadillacs deputies caught near the cafés, restaurants, swimming pool, market, kindergarten. Many are outraged that taxpayers' money and their deputies
drivers go to their personal affairs. But the deputies themselves it does not bother. Well, let the driver for personal affairs, what the big deal, they say.
You see. All that is needed is to photograph or videotape what is happening, to briefly describe and send it "reporter." The site reporter.akipress.org and through this mobile application you can
upload their own news, information, photos and video events that you witnessed steel. All interesting and important materials will be published. Together, we solve problems.
Examples of unsolved problems:
1. In April, the tape "blow up" the news of the facts of hazing at the Military Institute. The video, published, edited, unknown persons abused recruits in one of the barracks. Video before "walked" in Internetseti, but it was after the appearance of news on the "I'm a reporter," followed by the reaction: "grandfathers", sneered at by cadets, and they were officers of the Ministry of Defense and Interior
Ministry troops, were found and convicted.
2. After the publication of photos worst violators of traffic rules, they are found and fined, including the traffic police themselves, designed to monitor the traffic order of "I'm a reporter," revealed that in just a few hours the news may glorify the person or make the "anti-hero", covering a wave of public condemnation and indignation. Video chasing malicious violators to "Lexus" Nazik Chodronovoy and boorish conversation with the traffic police and could go unnoticed in the archives of video sites, if not appeared on "I'm a reporter." Video has collected a record number of views, the word "Chodron" became a household word and a symbol of permissiveness, brash and arrogant behavior. "Under the distribution 'hit DPS officer, who returned the seized number offending, he was dismissed, and she Chodronova escaped with a fine of 1 ths. Som. But from antislavy it, alas, for a long time did not get off.
3. Corruption with dipnomerami
One reader posted online photo machine with dipnomerami parked on the sidewalk, and unwittingly helped to reveal corruption scheme in state agencies. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and are interested in this case the head of the traffic police, said that Turkey dipnomera fake. These numbers were put into Kyrgyzdipservice and according to the law should have been immediately destroyed.
4. Hunt for "Cadillac"
Site declared official photoshoot for "Cadillac" of officials, used for other purposes. Readers responded briskly and sent photos Cadillacs deputies caught near the cafés, restaurants, swimming pool, market, kindergarten. Many are outraged that taxpayers' money and their deputies
drivers go to their personal affairs. But the deputies themselves it does not bother. Well, let the driver for personal affairs, what the big deal, they say.
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