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About 《八仙得道传》

"The Legend of the Eight Immortals", also known as "The Complete Book of the Eight Immortals" and "The Complete Biography of the Eight Immortals", is one of the novels about the Eight Immortals with the most complete stories and richest plots. The book begins with the peaceful couple Erlong cultivating Taoism and making a riot in the Heavenly Palace, and the Jade Emperor considers recruiting sages. It describes in detail the process of Li Tieguai, Zhang Guolao, Zhong Liquan, Lv Dongbin, Lan Caihe, Han Xiangzi, He Xiangu, and Cao Guojiu attaining Taoism. the beginning and the end. Because the author has a deep understanding of the mysteries, he integrates Taoist reasoning into it in the narrative process. The most commendable thing is that the author cleverly uses the theory of reincarnation to tell popular stories such as Meng Jiangnv's death to her husband, Chang'e flying to the moon, Dongfang Shuozhi stealing peach, Fei Changfang catching a ghost, Bai Niangzi flooding Jinshan, and Wang Tai splitting the mountain to save her mother. Interspersed with his questions, the time spanned thousands of years from Dayu's flood control to the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the plot was rich and twisted. At the same time, the narrative language of this book is fluent, the text is vivid, and it is highly readable.

The author of the book, Wugou Daoren, lived in Chengdu since childhood and studied under Master Qingyun Guanzhiyuan for 28 years. In the seventh year of Tongzhi (1868), Taoist Wugou wrote his own preface at the Baiyun Temple in the west of Beijing. In the second year of Xianfeng (1852), following the orders of the teacher, he visited the victory of Jiangshan, covering more than ten provinces in the north and south. After arriving in the capital, he settled in Baiyun Temple, where he wrote a book and preached. He felt the loss of Taoism, "so since the ancestors, from the beginning and the end of the modern ancestors to the beginning and the end of Taoism, and their husbands' cultivation of Taoism, he wrote the book "Eight Immortals Obtaining Taoism".