- Best FM radio APP arrived in Google Play -
Listen to your favorite radio in our online radio APP, there are almost 3000 radio stations from the world,
We are adding radios from various countries so that you listen with sound quality Stereo and HI-Fi quality,
Listen to your radios with earphones and check the quality of our APP
APP Qualities
✔ Easy location of radios,
✔ Search by frequency, city name or Radio title,
✔ All Made in Material design,
✔ Compatible with Android 4 or higher,
✔ Compatible with mobile phones with little storage memory,
✔ Application size reduced, our APP has appended 3.45 MB will not take up space on your device
✔ Totally free, that's even free,
Music Styles found in APP
✔ Samba radios,
✔ Pagode radios,Latin Radios, Jazz Radios, Rap Radios,
✔ Gospel Radio, Evangelical Gospel Music, Blues Rádios,
✔ Axé radios,
✔ Catholic Radios, Pop Music rádios,
✔ News, Football Radios,
APP Functions
✔ Time Scheduler, so you leave the radio ringing and go to sleep, it turns itself off,
✔ Save your favorite radio stations,
✔ Share the radio you are listening to with your friends,
✔ Access your favorite radio's website to order music,
✔ The Best Store APP
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