This Liturgy book app gives directions to ministers and people for conduct of the Holy Communion service. Sacred liturgy is the very heart of Ethiopian Orthodox worship. All the various kinds and types of Orthodox prayer and ritual cluster around the Sacrifice of the Mass which was instituted by the Lord the same night in which He was betrayed
The Ethiopian Liturgy is divided into two parts, the introductory part called Ordo Communis and the Eucharistic part called Anaphora. The Anaphora is the more solemn portion of the Liturgy, the central point of which is the great Oblation. It commences with the words “Sursum Corda”, or with their equivalents, which occur in all Liturgies, and includes the rest of the services to the end.
The Anaphoras are officially fourteen, the basic one in normal use being that of the Twelve Apostles. In the some ancient monasteries about six other Anaphoras are used. The Ethiopic Liturgy was the first to be published of all the Oriental Liturgies. It was printed at Rome in 1548.
Official Anaphoras:
1) Anaphora of the Apostles
2) Anaphora of our Lord Jesus Christ
3) Anaphora of our Lady Mary
4) Anaphora of St. John Chrysostom
5) Anaphora of St. Dioscorus
6) Anaphora of St. John the Evangelist
7) Anaphora of St. Gregory the Armenian
8) Anaphora of the 318 Orthodox
9) Anaphora of St. Athanasius
10) Anaphora of St.Basil
11) Anaphora of St. Gregory Nazianzen
12) Anaphora of St.Epiphanius
13) Anaphora of St. Cyril
14) Anaphora of James Serug (The complete Ethiopian Liturgy)
Features of the App
• Material Design color schemes.
• Setting for Night mode and Day Mode
Multiple book collections
• Add two or more translations to the app.
• Multiple books of Ethiopian prayers
• User can configure the choice of translation and layout within the app.
• Allow swiping between books
• Book names could be displayed as list or grid views
Fonts and Font Sizes
• You can change fonts sizes from toolbar or navigation menu.
• The app uses true type fonts for main view.
• Book contents are rearranged and missing parts included
• Colorful texts for the name of God, Jesus, St. Mary and Saints
• Notices and Orders in the book are written in italic for emphasis
Interface translations
• Added interface translations in English, Amharic and Afaan Oromoo.
• Changing the app Interface language will change menu item’s name.
• Powerful and fast search features
• Search the whole words and accents
• Number of search results displayed at the bottom of the page
Settings screen
• Allow the user of the app to configure the following settings:
• Book selection type: list or grid
• Red Letters: show the name of saints in red
The Ethiopian Liturgy is divided into two parts, the introductory part called Ordo Communis and the Eucharistic part called Anaphora. The Anaphora is the more solemn portion of the Liturgy, the central point of which is the great Oblation. It commences with the words “Sursum Corda”, or with their equivalents, which occur in all Liturgies, and includes the rest of the services to the end.
The Anaphoras are officially fourteen, the basic one in normal use being that of the Twelve Apostles. In the some ancient monasteries about six other Anaphoras are used. The Ethiopic Liturgy was the first to be published of all the Oriental Liturgies. It was printed at Rome in 1548.
Official Anaphoras:
1) Anaphora of the Apostles
2) Anaphora of our Lord Jesus Christ
3) Anaphora of our Lady Mary
4) Anaphora of St. John Chrysostom
5) Anaphora of St. Dioscorus
6) Anaphora of St. John the Evangelist
7) Anaphora of St. Gregory the Armenian
8) Anaphora of the 318 Orthodox
9) Anaphora of St. Athanasius
10) Anaphora of St.Basil
11) Anaphora of St. Gregory Nazianzen
12) Anaphora of St.Epiphanius
13) Anaphora of St. Cyril
14) Anaphora of James Serug (The complete Ethiopian Liturgy)
Features of the App
• Material Design color schemes.
• Setting for Night mode and Day Mode
Multiple book collections
• Add two or more translations to the app.
• Multiple books of Ethiopian prayers
• User can configure the choice of translation and layout within the app.
• Allow swiping between books
• Book names could be displayed as list or grid views
Fonts and Font Sizes
• You can change fonts sizes from toolbar or navigation menu.
• The app uses true type fonts for main view.
• Book contents are rearranged and missing parts included
• Colorful texts for the name of God, Jesus, St. Mary and Saints
• Notices and Orders in the book are written in italic for emphasis
Interface translations
• Added interface translations in English, Amharic and Afaan Oromoo.
• Changing the app Interface language will change menu item’s name.
• Powerful and fast search features
• Search the whole words and accents
• Number of search results displayed at the bottom of the page
Settings screen
• Allow the user of the app to configure the following settings:
• Book selection type: list or grid
• Red Letters: show the name of saints in red
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