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Jedno Serce

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About Jedno Serce

These are retreats that will lead to dedication to Jesus through Mary according to Saint. Ludwika Maria Grignion de Montfort.

Many mystics had the experience that Mary and Jesus spiritually had one heart - they lived and felt the same. When He suffered, She also suffered. When He was happy, she was also experiencing joy. They were internally united in everything. Jesus from the height of the cross gave us Mary for Mother, that she would make our little hearts like His heart.

The Mother of God is totally devoted to God, staring at Him, trusting Him. It is the shortest path for us to Jesus. To devote oneself completely to her put everything in her Immaculate Heart. It will become her disciple and servant. It is to take part in the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, in which there is world rescue and final victory.

St. Ludwik Maria Grignion de Montfort, thanks to God's grace, understood this special and unique way. These retreats are an invitation for each of us to a new way, a path of victory of holiness over sin, light over darkness, good over evil, a path of union with Mary, through Mary with Jesus, and in Jesus with the Father.

Remembering the words of Card. Stefan Wyszyński: "I put everything on Mary!", And following Saint. John Paul II, we want to say Totus Tuus Mary!

For 33 days conferences will lead us ending with a specific resolution for the day. In the evening we are invited to reflect on how we cooperated with God's grace on a given day.

Every day for 33 days:
- you can listen to (about 5-10 min.) or read conferences for the day
- resolution
- encouragement for evening reflection
and all this to see how the Mother of God works in your life.

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