KUA Service Information System Integrated Office of Religious Affairs in Muntok District, Kab. West Bangka Kep. Bangka Belitung, abbreviated as SILAKU, is an android-based service application aimed at KUA service users and KUA officers themselves.
The birth of SILAKU is time efficiency for the community to find out TUPOKSI KUA especially in the Muntok sub-district, so far the KUA is known to only deal with Marriage, but with this application the community will know many things that become KUA tupoksi especially in the community, in the field of Islam and Society.
The birth of SILAKU is time efficiency for the community to find out TUPOKSI KUA especially in the Muntok sub-district, so far the KUA is known to only deal with Marriage, but with this application the community will know many things that become KUA tupoksi especially in the community, in the field of Islam and Society.
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