This App contains the full text of the New Testament and Genesis, and selected portions from the Old Testment, as translated into the Bukawa language of PNG.
I also contains the full text of the Tok Pisin Buk Baibel and ELCPNG Sios kalenda and Amamas Waintaim lotu Book.
Yom naŋ yêc aplikesen/progrem dindec ŋalôm naŋ Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Wakuc, ma Genesis ti yom ŋatô naŋ meŋ akêŋ Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa (Old Testament), naŋ sem kwi sip Yom Gawac. Sem Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa hoŋ kwi dom, magoc yom daêsam naŋ yêc ŋadênaŋ Om-ŋga (Lectionary Readings) ma yom ŋatô whiŋ, naŋ sem kwi ma am oc tap sa yêc applikesen dindec ŋalôm. Yom Genesi-ŋga sêpuc sip bapia teŋ yala 1996. Tiŋambu sem yom yêc Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Wakuc hoŋ kwi, ma sêpuc sip bapia têŋ yala 2001. Ma yom ŋatô akêŋ Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa naŋ sem kwi su, naŋ sêpuc sip bapia têŋ yala 2004, tu bu lau sêŋsahê-ŋga. (Published as a trial release in “Yom Ŋatô akêŋ Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa”, 2004, Lae, PNG.)
App Contents:
(Preface) Yom whê Progrem/Aplikesen dindec sa-ŋga
(Glossary) Yom ŋatô ŋahu
(Topical Index) Anötö ndê yom ŋatô ŋatô Ŋadênaŋ/Datôc gwaniŋ Anötö ndê yom (Gêndac)
(New Testament) Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Wakuc
(Genesis and Old Testament portions) Genesis ma yom ŋatô akêŋ Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa
(Lectionary Reading List for 2018) Ŋadênaŋ Om-ŋga 2018-ŋga
Tok Pisin Sios Kalenda 2023 with live links to Bible texts.
Easy share passages with friends by SMS, email or social media. (may not work on older phones)
Word and phrase search with facility for non standard characters - ŋ, ê, ô, ö
Adjustable text size and screen colour options
Freely provided and free from Adverts
Permission required to download Tok Pisin NT and songs.
I also contains the full text of the Tok Pisin Buk Baibel and ELCPNG Sios kalenda and Amamas Waintaim lotu Book.
Yom naŋ yêc aplikesen/progrem dindec ŋalôm naŋ Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Wakuc, ma Genesis ti yom ŋatô naŋ meŋ akêŋ Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa (Old Testament), naŋ sem kwi sip Yom Gawac. Sem Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa hoŋ kwi dom, magoc yom daêsam naŋ yêc ŋadênaŋ Om-ŋga (Lectionary Readings) ma yom ŋatô whiŋ, naŋ sem kwi ma am oc tap sa yêc applikesen dindec ŋalôm. Yom Genesi-ŋga sêpuc sip bapia teŋ yala 1996. Tiŋambu sem yom yêc Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Wakuc hoŋ kwi, ma sêpuc sip bapia têŋ yala 2001. Ma yom ŋatô akêŋ Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa naŋ sem kwi su, naŋ sêpuc sip bapia têŋ yala 2004, tu bu lau sêŋsahê-ŋga. (Published as a trial release in “Yom Ŋatô akêŋ Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa”, 2004, Lae, PNG.)
App Contents:
(Preface) Yom whê Progrem/Aplikesen dindec sa-ŋga
(Glossary) Yom ŋatô ŋahu
(Topical Index) Anötö ndê yom ŋatô ŋatô Ŋadênaŋ/Datôc gwaniŋ Anötö ndê yom (Gêndac)
(New Testament) Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Wakuc
(Genesis and Old Testament portions) Genesis ma yom ŋatô akêŋ Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Akwa
(Lectionary Reading List for 2018) Ŋadênaŋ Om-ŋga 2018-ŋga
Tok Pisin Sios Kalenda 2023 with live links to Bible texts.
Easy share passages with friends by SMS, email or social media. (may not work on older phones)
Word and phrase search with facility for non standard characters - ŋ, ê, ô, ö
Adjustable text size and screen colour options
Freely provided and free from Adverts
Permission required to download Tok Pisin NT and songs.
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