The brand new Lippincott® ClinicalPulse app is the all-in-one solution for the busy clinician.
Your ClinicalPulse subscription delivers trusted content that helps you stay up to date, practice-changing research that helps you treat patients, and topical content that helps you meet state requirements.
The ClinicalPulse app is designed to save you time.
Save time accessing content:
- Use tabs to find the content you last played, downloaded, or archived.
- Quickly locate content with advanced filtering and sorting.
- Personalize your notifications so that you learn about new content on your schedule.
Stay on top of licensure and state requirements:
- Earn CME/MOC directly within the app, including downloading or emailing transcripts.
- Map your progress toward state and topic requirements on the credit tracker dashboard.
- Discover an all-inclusive solution to track multiple state requirements.
- Automatically report your MOC points to your specialty board.
About Lippincott®
Lippincott®, the leading publisher of medicine, nursing, and allied health content.
Your ClinicalPulse subscription delivers trusted content that helps you stay up to date, practice-changing research that helps you treat patients, and topical content that helps you meet state requirements.
The ClinicalPulse app is designed to save you time.
Save time accessing content:
- Use tabs to find the content you last played, downloaded, or archived.
- Quickly locate content with advanced filtering and sorting.
- Personalize your notifications so that you learn about new content on your schedule.
Stay on top of licensure and state requirements:
- Earn CME/MOC directly within the app, including downloading or emailing transcripts.
- Map your progress toward state and topic requirements on the credit tracker dashboard.
- Discover an all-inclusive solution to track multiple state requirements.
- Automatically report your MOC points to your specialty board.
About Lippincott®
Lippincott®, the leading publisher of medicine, nursing, and allied health content.
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