Supplication of Imām ʿAlī (a) in the mosque of Kūfa (Arabic: مناجاة الإمام علي (ع) في مسجد الكوفة) is a supplication attributed to Imam Ali (a), recitation of which is among recommended practices in the mosque of Kufa. This supplication begins with some characteristics of the Day of Judgment and the requests for releasing from the punishment of that day. It mentions 23 attributes of God and ends with asking for God's mercy after mentioning every attribute.
Some Shi'a scholars have mentioned this supplication in section of the recommended practices in the mosque of Kufa. But, they have not mentioned any sources for it. Some sources claim that its content and style is in harmony with other supplications received from the Infallible Ones (a).
Some Shi'a scholars have mentioned this supplication in section of the recommended practices in the mosque of Kufa. But, they have not mentioned any sources for it. Some sources claim that its content and style is in harmony with other supplications received from the Infallible Ones (a).
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