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PreFIX Lite

Project Assistant
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About PreFIX Lite

Check Philippine mobile network prefixes with PreFIX Lite!

PreFIX Lite is a storage-friendly version of the PreFIX PH’s with 2 key features:
- Check Network
- Promo Directory

You can instantly check the network of a number by just typing in its first 4 digits. We’ve also updated our PreFIX list to even determine Globe from Touch Mobile numbers! You can also suggest a prefix that isn’t included on our list yet so we can check its network and add it to our list.

Just like in the full version, we have a promo directory which allows you to register to a promo in just a few easy steps. And the best part is, PreFIX Lite is only 8MB for Android which is lighter than our full version! It’s perfect for people whose phone storages are in need of some space to breathe. Are you one of those people? What are you waiting for?

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