ETH,QPY, NDX, NDT and 1000+ other cryptocurrencies in wallet available as an Android, iOS and Web app.
Using our click-to-pay and scan-to-pay payment system, customers experience fast and easy shopping from any device. Our responsive checkout system perfectly fits to any screen from smartphones and supports all major languages to accommodate global customers.
Native Android Ethereum wallet.
Networks main, görli, rinkeby, ropsten, kovan, POA, sokol, ETC, xDAI
Keys on your device under your control
Tokens (your own ERC-20 compatible or predefined like DAI, Unicorn, OMG, SNT, ZRC,
GNO, ..)
Day/Night mode
ERC-67 / ERC-681 URLs (e.g. scanned from QR-Code)
ERC-55 Checksums
WalletConnect (https://walletconnect.org) 1.0 Support
Offline signing (compatible to Parity signing flow)
Testnets with direct link to faucets (on görli and ropsten even auto-fill of address)
JSON UTC key import/export
display value in fiat like EUR, NZD, USD, .. or MakerDAO DAI
display function calls
TREZOR (https://trezor.io) Support via USB-OTG - model 1 and model T are supported
watch only accounts
one flavor contains go-ethereum light client
More info : https://qpay.group
ETH,QPY, NDX, NDT and 1000+ other cryptocurrencies in wallet available as an Android, iOS and Web app.
Using our click-to-pay and scan-to-pay payment system, customers experience fast and easy shopping from any device. Our responsive checkout system perfectly fits to any screen from smartphones and supports all major languages to accommodate global customers.
Native Android Ethereum wallet.
Networks main, görli, rinkeby, ropsten, kovan, POA, sokol, ETC, xDAI
Keys on your device under your control
Tokens (your own ERC-20 compatible or predefined like DAI, Unicorn, OMG, SNT, ZRC,
GNO, ..)
Day/Night mode
ERC-67 / ERC-681 URLs (e.g. scanned from QR-Code)
ERC-55 Checksums
WalletConnect (https://walletconnect.org) 1.0 Support
Offline signing (compatible to Parity signing flow)
Testnets with direct link to faucets (on görli and ropsten even auto-fill of address)
JSON UTC key import/export
display value in fiat like EUR, NZD, USD, .. or MakerDAO DAI
display function calls
TREZOR (https://trezor.io) Support via USB-OTG - model 1 and model T are supported
watch only accounts
one flavor contains go-ethereum light client
More info : https://qpay.group
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