快樂台灣麻將 icon


happy game designer
500+ downloads

About 快樂台灣麻將

The sincere masterpiece of the happy game team, exquisite game screen, classic 16-card playing method, authentic "Taiwan mahjong". Taiwan mahjong is easy to learn and has a variety of ways to play. You can touch and eat it, and you can touch it with your own hands. There are all kinds of rules, such as big four happiness, big three yuan, and eight immortals crossing the sea. All good luck depends on luck! Entertaining is easy anytime, anywhere! From the orthodox Taiwan's sixteen rules, we add some new rules, which is a new experience that cannot be replaced by the game of mahjong with three or five friends in daily life!
Thank you players for your enthusiastic support, your support is the driving force behind our continued efforts to develop! ! !