Read the Vahinis and Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Where available, audio of the Discourses are also provided.
Bookmark and download for offline reading and listening.
Integrated with Sai Inspires, Sri Sathya Sai Media Center Streams, and Media Search.
Discourses are all bundled within the app, no internet connection needed to read the Discourses.
App supports Dark Mode theme.
Where available, audio of the Discourses are also provided.
Bookmark and download for offline reading and listening.
Integrated with Sai Inspires, Sri Sathya Sai Media Center Streams, and Media Search.
Discourses are all bundled within the app, no internet connection needed to read the Discourses.
App supports Dark Mode theme.
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