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Lexique kafire (sénoufo)

Songfolo Lacina SILUE
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About Lexique kafire (sénoufo)

The kafire is a senoufo speech from northern Côte d'Ivoire, precisely in an area called the "kafigue" covering the sub-prefectures of Sirasso, Nafoun and Kanoroba. Unlike other Senufo brothers (Cebaara, Nafara ...), the kafire is poorly documented and known.

The implementation of this lexicon kafire is therefore first and foremost, in a gradual approach, a first effort to allow anyone interested in learning the language to become familiar with the words of it. This application results from the research work of Master in linguistics SILUE Songfolo Lacina (currently doctoral student in linguistics at INALCO in France) as well as his collaboration with SORO Karna, PhD student in English at the University Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Abidjan (Ivory Coast).

For any word, we have:

-An orthographic transcription (kafire)
-a pronunciation (in sound form that needs to be increased with the volume key if it is weak)
an illustrative image
-a French translation

* It is possible to search words from Kafire to French and vice versa.

Moreover, this application could be useful to language speakers in that they would become familiar with the spelling of the language, learn the correspondences between the words of French and those of their language and could learn at the same time the words of French.

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