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Dictionnaire Fulfulde

Burkina Langues
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50,000+ downloads

About Dictionnaire Fulfulde

Fofo! A dictionary is the culture of a people arranged alphabetically. A-Z

Fulfulde Dictionary - French - English
This dictionary allows you to discover the Fulfulde language of Burkina Faso. By clicking on the "search" button (the little magnifying glass at the top right), a window opens and you can type words in Fulfulde, French or English. Type "Search" and a new window will display the results. Select the word you want to see up close, and a new window will open on your screen.
A dictionary is the culture of a people arranged alphabetically. Discover the fascinating richness of the Fulfulde language spoken in Burkina Faso.
There are 11,442 entries and 4,100 photos to illustrate some entries. When you click on synonymous links, another window with the synonym will open. Discover more than 250 plants, more than 400 animal names, or even more than 150 disease names etc.
This same dictionary can be consulted online on the following website:


Or download a computer version (with audio files) from the following website:

https://www.mooreburkina.com/fr/dictionary-moor%C3%A9/aplications-de-dictionnaires-pour- informatique

Introduction (English)
This Fulfulde - French - English dictionary takes you on a discovery tour of the Burkina Faso Fulfulde language and culture.
To search an item, just click on the small search icon on the top right and a search window will appear. Type the word (in Fulfulde, French or English) you are looking for into the search field and click "search". A new window with the search results will open and you can find your dictionary entry by selecting the entry you want to open up.
A dictionary is as it were "putting the culture of a people into alphabetical order". Discover over 250 names of plants, over 400 names of animals, over 150 names for diseases and many more items in other domains. At this edition we have 11,442 entries and over 4,100 illustrations.
You can consult this same dictionary online at the following Internet page:


Or else, download a computer version of this dictionary (with audio files) from the following Internet Site:

https://www.mooreburkina.com/fr/dictionary-moor%C3%A9/aplications-de-dictionnaires-pour- informatique

Dictionnaire Fulfulde Screenshots