Raw CD Player icon

Raw CD Player

10,000+ downloads

About Raw CD Player

Bring back CD into your phone!

# 1. What you need

* CD you want to listen.
* Windows PC with CD-drive
* Wifi router

# 2. how to use

* Connect your phone and Windows PC to the same Wifi router.
* Insert your CD into your CD-Drive of Windows PC
* Download 'BackupCD_latest.zip' from ** https://bit.ly/2Z9Tc5q ** to Windows PC
* unzip BackupCD_latest.zip
* Execute BackupCD.exe
* Push 'ADD' button on RawCDPlayer
* Wait until copying is finished
* Play and Enjoy!

# Notes and Terms of Use

* Use that infringes copyright is prohibited
* Since it is not compressed, the download size is large. About 500MByte is used for one album
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* You will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use when you download.

Raw CD Player Screenshots