now you can BunnyHop or bindkeys for valorant
and also click keys using your voice
just connect to bluetooth and enjoy
'make sure both PC & laptop connected and paired using bluetooth n nafk : script for afk the player will move randomly and use the ability &* use "stop" "end" to stop afk script nn* for jump go to valorant setting and bind key "L" for jump nn *for speach say "e" and the app will press e for you , etc for (c,v,z,x), also say jump and will activate constant jump n n Tips to connect successfully n1- open the appn2-go to thr pc search for your phone name and click connectn 3- a notification will show that connection request click it and approve!'
Riot Games,Valorant. All Rights Reserved to them
and also click keys using your voice
just connect to bluetooth and enjoy
'make sure both PC & laptop connected and paired using bluetooth n nafk : script for afk the player will move randomly and use the ability &* use "stop" "end" to stop afk script nn* for jump go to valorant setting and bind key "L" for jump nn *for speach say "e" and the app will press e for you , etc for (c,v,z,x), also say jump and will activate constant jump n n Tips to connect successfully n1- open the appn2-go to thr pc search for your phone name and click connectn 3- a notification will show that connection request click it and approve!'
Riot Games,Valorant. All Rights Reserved to them
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